Report Shows Improvements in Conditions for SD Children

A new report from the South Dakota Kids Count Project shows slow improvements in conditions for children. Project Coordinator Carole Cochran says there are some points in the report that stand out

The teen death rate improved in the last two years, but the state still ranks 42nd out of the fifty states.

The report shows that family incomes are increasing, teen birth rates are decreasing, and more students are graduating from high school. Cochran says many factors like that could continue to improve, without government intervention

The report also shows about 18 percent of kids live below the poverty line, or about 37 thousand. That would be the third biggest city in the state. Cochran says these reports can help policy makers find ways to help families and kids

The report also shows South Dakota has the highest rate of working parents with over 77 percent employed out of the home, and the highest rate of holding multiple jobs.