State House Passes IM22 Replacement Pieces

The South Dakota House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved at least two replacement pieces for the repealed Initiated Measure 22.

Lawmakers voted 60-3 to create a Government Accountability Board to keep an eye on public officials. An ethics commission was part of IM 22.

Lawmakers also approved, 59-3, limits on the cost of gifts lobbyists may give to elected officials – no more than $100 annually. It was an amended bill from the State Senate that allowed the limit to rise with the inflation rate and removed any limits on meals and entertainment.

House Speaker Mark Mickelson urged his colleagues to move the bill to the Governor and then next year work on food and beverage limits.  Democratic Leader Spencer Hawley said the issue isn’t over.

Speaker Mickelson has said that the Legislature won’t get IM 22 replacment done 100 percent this sesson, but most of it will be approved.