Second Reading of Rezoning Petition on Tonight’s City Commission Agenda

After taking last week off in observance of the President’s Day holiday, the Huron City Commission will meet in regular session tonight. On tonight’s agenda:

A public hearing on the transfer of a 2017 Retail On-Sale Liquor License from BPO Elks Lodge No. 444 to Cabaret LLC, dba The Lodge

Semi-Annual Updates from the Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau and  Huron Senior Center

2nd Reading of rezone petition filed by the City of Huron for property described as Block 1, Windcrest Village Addition from R-2 & R- 3 residential zoning districts to R-4 (Multiple Family Residential District).

1st reading of an ordinance pertaining to water conservation for odd-even watering of lawn, trees, landscaping and gardens.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30pm at Municipal Building in City Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public.