City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is holding it’s regular weekly meeting tonight. Commissioners will consider a preliminary engineering study amendment with Banner Engineering for improvements to the City’s waste water system along with three public hearings. The first public hearing is for the transfer of alcoholic beverage licenses between owners of the Freedom Valu Center on Dakota Avenue. The second is for a 2016 retail on-off sale wine license filed by Yessica’s Restaurant in downtown Huron. The last of the public hearings is a public hearing and second reading of a rezoning petition filed by Bryan and Marinda Eden for a parcel of land in the Joint Jurisdictional Area. The change would make the parcel B-3 General Business District. It’s currently Ag Fringe Protection District. Commissioners will consider authorizing Finance Officer Paullyn Carey to submit the 2015 Unaudited Financial Statements to the state Department of Legislative Audit and will consider an iPad Use Agreement for the mayor and city commissioners. The Commission will consider updates to the city’s Work Place Violence and Sexual Harassment Policies and will hold a public meeting report on the MS-4 Annual Report. There are no scheduled work sessions, however there is a contractual matter listed in executive session. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.