City Commission Meeting Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. A shorter agenda includes a seven item consent agenda, that includes setting a public hearing on March 14th for a retail on-sale convention hall liquor license filed by the city for the Huron Event Center. That action was made possible by the passage of House Bill 1210, that expanded the issuance of such licenses to any sized city in the state and was a direct result of the closure of Verto’s by the ownership group of the Crossroads. Commissioners will consider a bid for a new dump truck chassis and will set March 14th as the deadline to submit request for proposals for Food and Beverage management at the Huron Event Center. Semi-annual updates continue tonight with reports from the Huron Senior Center and South Dakota State Fair. The Northeast Council of Governments or NECOG will give an update on mitigation of hazards from severe weather in the area. There are no scheduled work sessions for the Huron City Commission, however two items are scheduled for executive session. The include a contractual and personnel matter. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.