City Commission To Meet Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission goes back to work tonight after taking last Monday off for President’s Day. The Commission will consider a payment request for the demolition of the old water treatment plant and a change order for a street milling and overlay project. Commissioners will also set a bid date for bids on water sewer materials for 2016. Semi-annual updates continue tonight with reports from the Beadle County Humane Society and Greater Huron Development Corporation. The Commission will also consider a plat filed by Lynn and Gloria Schneider and will hold first reading of ordinance on a rezoning petition filed by Bryan and Marinda Eden. They are looking to change the zoning of a parcel from Ag Fringe Protection District to a General Business District for property in the Joint Jurisdictional Area. The Commission will consider authorizing the Mayor, Solid Waste and Street Superintendents to sign the renewal of operation for the city’s construction and demolition debris disposal facility. Mayor Paul Aylward will wrap up a series of updates on Board and Committees overseen by members of the City Commission. An executive session for a contracual matter is also on the agenda for tonight. The Huron City Commission meets at the Huron Municipal Building at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.