City Commission Ponders Local Buying Versus Financial Stewardship During Pick Up Purchase

Pool DikeBe frugal with the taxpayer’s money, or buy local. That question brought debate over the purchase of pick up trucks during the Huron City Commission meeting Monday night. City Engineer Mike Wever presented a bid to purchase two, 2016 half ton, four-by-four pick up trucks from Billion Auto in Sioux Falls. That brought plenty of debate from Commissioners like Bryan Smith…


Commissioner Doug Kludt says buying local is best but there is a line to find first…


Commissioner Gary Harrington thought the city should consider a thesehold to look at to give local bidders the benefit of the doubt….


Harrington thought local bidder preference should be made into a policy to be followed by the city for bidding vehicles. Kludt liked the idea…


Commissioner Mark Robish wanted to know if the trucks had to be purchased immediately. Wever said No. Smith and Robish voted against purchasing the Chevy pick ups from Billion, while Harrington and Kludt voted in favor. Mayor Paul Aylward broke the stalemate with a yes vote to approve the bid for purchase, three to two.