Bill To Stay On Daylight Saving Time Still Alive In Legislature

legislatureA bill that would keep South Dakota on Standard time year-round has emerged in the legislature.  The bill this session that would have put South Dakota on “daylight saving time” all the time was killed in the Senate last week. In other words, South Dakota would stay on ‘summer hours’ all year long under that bill. The bill was narrowly vote down by one vote.  This issue is far from over, as Thursday morning, House Bill 1233 emerged that would exempt South Dakota from daylight savings time, essentially keeping the state on standard time year-round.  The bill’s prime sponsor, Elizabeth May of Kyle, says the bill that the “daylight savings time” bill was worded wrong…

Standard Time 1

The bill, if signed into law, would keep South Dakota on one time all the time.  May says many farmers and ranchers support the bill…

Standard Time 2

May adds that consistency should be “the name of the game”…

Standard Time 3

House Bill 1233 has not been assigned to committee as of yet.