Prosecutor's Recent Conduct A "Black Eye" For Moore And Others

CAMERAS IN COURTIn 2015 at least three prosecuting attorneys in South Dakota have been on the other side of the law. Former Walworth County States Attorney Christopher Jansen was sentenced in September to 50 years in prison on child rape charges. Charles Mix County States Attorney Scott Podhradsky had 30 days in jail suspended after being sentenced in early December on a drunk driving charge. Shortly after Podhradsky made news, Butte County States Attorney Heather Plunkett along with her husband were charged for marijuana possession…


Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore is past president of the National District Attorney’s Association. He says Governor Dennis Daugaard’s decision to remove Plunkett from office was good…


Moore says prosecutors should be held to a higher standard…


The string of prosecutors in trouble extends to back to 2014 when Spink County States Attorney Vic Fischbach was sentenced on a D-U-I charge. There are 62 elected States Attorney’s to prosecute in South Dakota’s 66 counties.