Farmer's Union To Watch Taxes And Water Issues In Approaching Legislative Session

Farmers UnionSouth Dakota lawmakers return to Pierre for their 38 day 2016 session on January 12. State Farmers Union Legislative Director Matt Sibley says one of the top issues will be how to handle an increase in teacher pay following the Blue Ribbon Task Force recommendations. He says his group supports funding for teacher pay and education but wants to make sure farmers don’t receive most of the tax burden.

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Sibley says there needs to be a broader tax source for education funding and not such heavy reliance on property taxes.

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He says another major issue his group is monitoring regards passage of legislation last year creating river basin drainage districts.

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Sibley says he’d like to see legislators take a look at redistricting. He says Ohio lawmakers recently approved a redistricting change that’s similar to the ballot proposal South Dakota Farmers Union is seeking. The Secretary of State has yet to formally approve that issue.