Area Schools Give Annual Reports During State Of The Schools

2015 SOTSThe 2015 State of the Schools luncheon was held Thursday at the Huron Event Center. Traditionally representatives from area educational institutes speak on what’s happening in their respective facilities. This year Holy Trinity Catholic School had sixth graders tell the story of the school…


Huron Community Campus Executive Director Doug Pietz brought in two students to explain their experiences with post secondary education in Huron. Michael Gerhing is a 2010 graduate from Lake Preston High School…


Huron School Superintendent Terry Nebelsick didn’t bring a guest along but says he’s talks about the great relationship the public school has with counterparts across the city…


James Valley Christian Superintendent Brian Held, now in his third year at JVC hinted at possible expansion…


The State of the Schools luncheon is sponsored by the Governmental Affairs Committee of the Huron Chamber in conjunction with the Huron Kiwanis Club.