City Commission To Meet Early Tonight For Executive Session, Then Regular Meeting

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is meeting tonight an hour earlier than normal. Mayor Paul Aylward will call the meeting to order and following a roll call of Commissioners, the group will go into executive session at 4:30 P-M for a contractual matter. The Commission intends to reconvene at 5:30 PM where the meeting will pick up as usual with the Pledge of Allegiance, public forum and agenda approval. After considering approval of a six-item consent agenda, the Commission will consider a change order for a street milling and overlay project. Commissioners will also receive a presentation of the 2014 audited financial statements. The Commission will consider proposed changes to the city employee Safety Manual and a recommendation from the Insurance Committee to approve the Avera Health Plan. Reminders regarding city services due to Veteran’s Day on Wednesday will also be announced. There are no scheduled work sessions, however a second executive session for contractual matters is listed on the agenda. The Huron City Commission is meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.