City Commission Back To Work Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission meets again tonight after taking last week off for the Native American Day holiday. The Commission will meet as the Board of Adjustment to consider a conditional use permit. Turkey Loading LLC is proposing an operations and maintenance terminal that would include wash bays for trucks hauling turkeys to the Dakota Provisions plant. When the Board of Adjustment adjourns, a special presentation will take place during public forum. Certification certificates will be given to the city’s five Reserve Police Officers marking the approval of their state certification as sworn reserve officers. Commissioners will consider a payment request for a water main and lift station replacement project and will also consider a street name change filed by Mel and Marty Moeding for Starlite Drive Northeast. The Commission will also consider a request regarding sewer line repairs made by Greg and Donna Hepper and Darla Erickson. The only departmental item is to note a change to winter hours of operation for the Solid Waste Department. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for the Huron City Commission, who meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.