Huron School Board Hears No Solid Input From Parties Interested In Use Of Jefferson School

Jeff School MtgThe Huron School Board followed up on a special meeting held last Wednesday regarding the future of Jefferson Elementary School. Last week the district held a public forum to gain input from the community on what to do with the school. Superintendent Terry Nebelsick says the meeting was well attended and brought good input…


Board Member Kerwin Haeder says the James River Church was expected to get back to the District later this week. Fellow Board Member Sherman Gose believes the District has three options for the building…


If the District tries to sell Jefferson by sealed bid, it would require the building be purchased for at least 90-percent of it’s appraised value, restricting what the District can do. Board Chairman David Wheeler says no matter what becomes of the building, he wants it taken care of…


Nebelsick says that in order to stay in step with open meeting laws, he would like to have some action determined for placement on the agenda for the next School Board meeting by next Monday. That action may included an executive session to discuss any possible contractual matters that may come up.