Huron City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider a payment request for a sewer main lining project and will also consider assessing delinquent special assessments against property in the city. The Commission will also consider an agreement to place an antenna for Mid-Dakota Rural Water System on the half million gallon water tower near Dakota Provisions. Also up for consideration by the City Commission is an agreement with the State of South Dakota’s Division of Finance and Management Office Air, Rail and Transit for the runway relocation project at the Huron Regional Airport. The second reading of two ordinances are tonight. The first is the final reading of the 2016 Annual Appropriation or city budget. The second ordinance to have its second reading is to establish a Zoning Board of Adjustment for the city, to deal with instances when more that two City Commissioners are unable to act on a matter as the Board of Adjustment. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for the Huron City Commission. They meet tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.