New State Assessment Test Scores Low, But Look To Improve Going Forward

High School 1Students performed better than expected on new state assessment tests, but there is room to improve.  The South Dakota Department of Education is releasing the states 2015 report card this week.  The new tests, called smarter balance, replaced the Dakota Step tests.  The tests measure student’s achievements in English and math. Across grades three through eight, forty nine point five percent were considered proficient in English, in math the level was forty one point three percent.  Education Secretary Dr. Melody Schopp says the standards have gone up…

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Schopp says while the numbers may seem low, the state is seeing results similar to other states…

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Schopp says these results are the baseline, and should improve over the next few years…

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More report card information is online at, click on the 2015 Report Card banner.