Human Services Department Expanding Ability For Hire Campagin

imagesThe South Dakota Department of Human Services continues to roll out details of its “Ability for Hire” campaign. The department announced the launch of the campaign on August 11, stating the goal of the campaign is to promote the benefits of and change public perceptions about hiring people with disabilities. A month ago, the department unveiled a website with the address and more outreach efforts are following. DHS Secretary Gloria Pearson says the campaign has brought attention to the important issue of hiring people with disabilities.


Pearson was on hand last Thursday in Pierre at an annual Governor’s Awards Ceremony for those who have contributed to the employment of South Dakotans with disabilities. Also appearing at the awards event was Governor Dennis Daugaard-who spoke of his parents-who were both born deaf. Daugaard said they held a variety of different jobs throughout their lives and both worked hard. Pearson says she appreciates having a Governor who understands the challenges of the disabled.


Pearson says the campaign will also include radio and TV outreach, informational videos, testimonials, print materials and more.