City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission will spend the final evening in August, meeting at the Huron Municipal Building tonight. Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a special event alcohol license filed by the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau for a Chamber Mixer in September and will consider a rental/lease contract with the City of Watertown for use of the Wild Cat Screen. The Commission will also consider one resolution and hold second reading on three ordinance changes. The resolution would create the Tax Increment Finance Project Review Committee. The second reading of ordinances include changes to the Airport Zoning ordinance and changes regarding paid leaves of absence for city employees. The third ordinance to have it’s second reading would expand the sale of distilled spirits to Sundays, which would mimic state law. Cities are permitted to create stronger restrictions on Sunday liquor sales, but the proposed change would put Huron in line with many similar sized cities in South Dakota. The Commission will close out their meeting with announcements regarding the Labor Day holiday and will continue work on the 2016 City Budget. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 P-M. The meeting is open to the public.