Critical Needs Scholarships Helping Students Finish School

MoneySince its start in 2013, the Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship has been awarded to about 50 South Dakota college students. Given to qualifying students pursuing their teaching degree, the maximum scholarship amount covers the cost of 30 credit hours at a South Dakota state public university, but can be used in any institution offering education degrees. Director of Communications for the Board of Regents, Janelle Toman, says the money is awarded to students in their last two years of earning their degree…

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In order for a student to use the scholarship, they are obligated to teach in South Dakota for at least five years after their graduation. They must teach in an area deemed a “critical need”. Toman says the individual school districts determine where they’re lacking qualified teachers…

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Toman says the scholarship is funded through a trust set up by the South Dakota legislature. The interest on that trust fund is used to pay for the education of future teachers each year, but she says it’s still too early to talk about the success or results of the scholarship program.