Appropriations Committee Gets Look At 2015 Final Numbers

SD CapitolThe Appropriations Committee of the South Dakota Legislature met last week in Pierre. They got a first look at the end of the year financial details of the state budget, and what to expect in fiscal year 2016.  There will be a rollover of about twenty one million dollars into the new budget due to higher revenue and reduced spending.  Representative Jean Hunhoff of Yankton says they try to get as close as they can when they put the budget together…

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Hunhoff says they already know what some of the priorities will be in next year’s budget…

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The committee also got an update on the new obligation recovery center. That was set up by this year’s legislature, and will act as a collection agency for the state. Hunhoff says they want to make sure it will work with the private sector…

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The committee also heard a report that sales tax collections were soft in the first half of the year.