City Commission To Wait One Week To Consider Donation To People's Transit

People's TransitThe Huron City Commission will take a week to decide if a donation of 20-thousand dollars to People’s Transit is the best use of city funds to keep the service in the black. The transit system’s books are approximately 70-thousand dollars in the hole. Commissioner Doug Kludt supports the city supporting People’s Transit, but has two concerns….


Commissioner Mark Robish agreed with Kludt and says if the city steps up, then he want’s more disclosure from the transit system…


Mayor Paul Aylward is the liaison to the People’s Transit board and attends their monthly meetings regularly. He believes the group is watching their wallet…


The City of Huron normally budgets six-thousand dollars for People’s Transit. Commissioners agreed they’d like to look over People’s Transit’s books before making a one-time donation that large and will look at possibly increasing the annual donation as a part of developing next year’s city budget. The Huron City Commission will consider the donation again next week.