Beadle County's Drug Court To Begin Wednesday

court genericBeadle County’s Drug Court begins next week. Circuit Judge Carmen Means is a part of a team in Huron working hard on the program’s roll out….


Means has been working with the Drug Court program in Codington County leading up to the Beadle County program debut. It’s a difference environment from traditional court…


Means says in Codington County they have a goal to get people in the program within 30 days from their arrest…


Means says the program involves intense contact with participants, with some being contacted up to three times per day. Beadle County’s program can hold a maximum of 15 people. You can hear more from Means on the Beadle County Drug Court. She is the special guest on this month’s edition of the Mike Moore Show which will air tomorrow at 11 AM on 1210-AM KOKK.