Gamers Casino Robber Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison

Credit:  Huron PD
Credit: Huron PD

A Carpenter man is sentenced to three years in prison for a robbery in Huron in January. Gerald Brown pleaded guilty to a second degree robbery charge. The 58 year old was arrested January 14th, one week after he walked into Gamers Casino on Dakota Avenue shortly after one-PM. Brown admitted to taking cash from at least three cash registers in Gamers and the attached Thunderbird Smoke Shop during the mid-day robbery. Brown was unarmed during the crime. Judge Jon Erickson said in court, Brown’s rap sheet goes back to 1975 and that he’s had ample opportunities to address his drinking problem. Brown was ordered to pay court fines and costs of 104-dollars and court appointed attorneys fees. He was also ordered to repay three-thousand 761 dollars in restitution. Erickson sentenced Brown to three years in the South Dakota State Penitentiary with credit for one day served in the Beadle County Jail.