Group Looking To Force Vote On Definition Of A Veteran

VetsAnother bill passed by this year’s legislative session may go before South Dakota voters next year. A group has formed to gather petitions to refer House Bill 1179 to the voters. That bill would change the definition of a military veteran, and include many who served their time in the National Guard.
Ted Fowler of Aberdeen says the current definition of a veteran is one who served under federal command…

Ted Fowler 429a

Fowler says they don’t think all military service is the same…

Ted Fowler 429b

Fowler says they also have worries about an already thin pool of benefits for veterans…

Ted Fowler 429c

Fowler says they plan a grass roots, low budget effort to get the signatures they need. He says they want to go well past the needed minimum of thirteen thousand five hundred signatures.
Fowler says he was drafted in 1966, and served in Viet Nam in 1967 and 68.