Commission Kills Ordinance On Corrugated Metal Roofing

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission voted to kill an ordinance that would restrict the use corrugated steel roofing in residential zones in Huron. Certain types of steel roofing are permitted for use on homes. After a presentation by City Planner Ralph Borkowski on the different types of steel roofing used in Huron, some legal, some not, it came down to questions about the roofing itself from resident Wayne Iverson…


Borkowski says 26-gauge steel is mandated by the current city building codes. Iverson says 28 gauge would be a better option for him….


The proposed ordinance would have allowed for no variances to permit the use of the corrugated product on roofs. Iverson offered to bring additional information on tinsel strength for the Commission to consider. Commissioners voted three to one to kill the ordinance with Commissioner Bryan Smith casting the lone yes vote.