Doc Fix Deadline Missed By Congress

flu shotIt appeared Congress was on track to finally find a permanent solution to the so called “Medicare doc fix” before it got derailed in the Senate. The House had passed the two hundred billion dollar plan by a wide margin before it stalled in the Senate.  For years, Congress has made temporary corrections in how doctors are reimbursed for providing services to seniors on Medicare.  South Dakota Senator John Thune says he voted on it in his first year in Congress…

John Thune 402a

Thune says there is more than just payments to doctors in the provision…

John Thune 402b

Thune says despite having a two hundred billion dollar cost, the plan would have saved money in the long run…

John Thune 402c

Payments to doctors may be suspended until Congress returns from the two week Easter break and takes some action.  The deadline to make the fix was April first.