City Ok's Variance For Prime Time Expansion

City of HuronA Huron restaurant looking to expand gained approval from the City Commission to get larger. Rod Sanderson, owner of Prime Time Tavern at 21st Street and Dakota Avenue requested a variance from the city to expand parking and seating. A recommendation from the City’s Hearing Examiner says the expansion should be 32 feet and up to 34 feet. Contractor Phil Wiedenman has been working with Sanderson on the design…


Commissioner Mark Robish expressed concerns about how the expansion may affect extension of a city sidewalk to the east along 21st Street…


City Engineer Mike Wever says the Department of Transportation plans to do work on the intersection in 2016. The 21st Street entrance to the Prime Time Tavern will be moved further east to break up congestion from traffic going to and from the parking lot so close to the high volume intersection.