City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. The Commission will recess to convene as the Board of Adjustments to hear two variance requests. Both are for construction projects that do not meet city code for set backs and other restrictions. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider approval of the eight item consent agenda, and approval of a Certified Local Government Grant Application. The Commission will also consider as a part of that authorizing City Planner Ralph Borkowski to sign the application as Project Manger and authorize Mayor Paul Aylward to sign application certifications. Commissioners will also consider a request to allocate funds to be used for the demolition of a house, shed and basement. There are no scheduled work sessions, however the Huron City Commission is tentatively set to meet for an executive session regarding a personnel matter. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM. The meeting is open to the public.