14 Month Old Found In Home With Meth Lab

Huron PDA Huron man is in the Beadle County Jail for having a meth lab in his home. Huron Police Detective Sargent Casey Spinsby says officers came across the lab on while on an unrelated call. He says the lab was not in use at the time but was used recently


Spinsby says the lab was last used to cook methamphetamine on last Friday. Thirty one year old Neil Erickson was arrested on multiple felony counts…


The location of the home is a block and half away from the Washington Elementary School. Erickson is also charged with the Class One Misdemeanor charge of Causing a Child to be Present where methamphetamine is used, distributed or manufactured….


Spinsby says homes around the site were evacuated while authorities cleaned up the lab….


Spinsby says they come across meth labs in town as opposed to outside Huron roughly once a year, but it’s more evidence that methamphetamine use is on the rise…


Assisting Huron police were deputies from the Beadle and Sanborn County Sheriff’s Office, state Department of Criminal Investigation and Huron Fire Department.