Treasurer Sattgast Filling In For Fiegen In Dakota Access Dealings

Dakota Access LLCWhile the Keystone XL pipeline has received most of the public and press attention in South Dakota, there’s another crude oil line that may be crossing the state—the Dakota Access pipeline.
Governor Dennis Daugaard appointed State Treasurer Rich Sattgast earlier this year as an acting Public Utilities Commissioner on the matter, as PUC commissioner Kristie Fiegen has a conflict.
Sattgast says the line, which will go from the Bakken range in North Dakota, across South Dakota and Iowa to Illinois, is a big project.
Sattgast, who doesn’t get paid extra for the PUC duties, also said the commission would like your input.
Sattgast said the commission hopes to make a decision on the pipeline by Dec. 15. To participate in the public comments, go to