Resolution Calling For Public Vote On Corporate Income Tax Sent To 41st Day

SD CapitolA resolution that called for a public vote on a constitutional amendment to establish a corporate income tax in South Dakota, and dedicate those dollars to education, was in front of the Senate State Affairs Committee Wednesday.  Matt Sibley, with the South Dakota Farmers Union, says they have supported expanding the tax base for some time. He says the voters should have the choice…

Matt Sibley 218

Jim Terwilliger with the Bureau of Finance and Management says a tax like that would not be a dependable source…

Jim Terwilliger 218

One of the sponsors of the resolution, Senator Bernie Hunhoff of Yankton says businesses should support efforts to fund education…

Bernie Hunhoff 218

The committee voted seven to two to send the bill to the forty first legislative day, effectively killing it.