Local Lawmakers Tackle Road Funding At Forum

20150131_090526A standing room only crowd heard the latest on happenings in the South Dakota Legislature from the lawmakers of District 22 Saturday during the first of three Coffee with the Legislators forum, sponsored by the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau. Road and highway funding was the first question asked of Huron area lawmakers, specifically why more weight stations are not in service. Republican Representative Dick Werner says the main reason is staffing…


Republican Senator Jim White was a part of the highway funding summer study. He says there was little resistance to the idea of tax increases to fund roads….


Werner thought those optimistic views on taxation may change as lawmakers prepare to make final votes…


Democratic Representative Peggy Gibson says since she is not involved in the transportation funding discussions she’ll take a wait and see approach…


Werner says one common feature of both proposals is increasing the vehicle excise tax to four-percent, matching the current state sales tax.