Clark Teen Gets 15 Years On Attempted Murder Charge

court genericA Clark teenager has been sentenced to prison time for a stabbing last April. In a plea deal, 18-year-old Gage Binger was ordered to serve 15 years in prison on charges of attempted murder and aggravated assault. Binger was 17 years old at the time of the incident, but his case was handled in adult court. Binger is now 18. Prosecutor Kimberly Zachrison says Binger assaulted his ex-girlfriend as she slept, following an argument the two had. The victim was 15 years old at the time. Binger stabbed the teen nine times as she slept. The now 16 year old suffered life threatening injuries including a collapsed lung. The injuries were so severe that victim was transferred to a better equipped ambulance from Watertown at the Clark-Codington County line. The victim has fully recovered. Binger says admitted to drinking alcohol and consuming Robitussin at the time. With good behavior, Binger could be released in seven and a half years.