City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is holding it’s regular weekly meeting tonight. The Commission will meet as the Board of Adjustments to consider a variance request. The variance filed by H-and-R Block owner Mary Rand is requesting two non-flashing lighted signs to be installed on her business’ building in an area where code does not allow. Commissioners will consider a request to purchase two new police S-U-V’s from Schoenhard Ford at the state bid price. The Commission will also consider awarding a bid for seeding and the leasing of hayland in the Southtown Addition. Also on the agenda is a semi-annual update from the Huron Event Center and the second reading of the 2014 supplemental Appropriations ordinance. Two departmental items include information regarding the Southtown Addition and considering a change in delinquent utility billing due dates. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions for the Huron City Commission. They meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.