City Commission Meets After Week Off

City CommissionAfter having last week off for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, the Huron City Commission is back in action tonight. A lengthy agenda will have the Commission consider ten bid items. Seven of those items are to award bids to companies for various projects and equipment. There is one change order and two items if approved will set bid dates for a field conditioner for the Park and Recreation Department and for a lift station replacement project. Commissioners will hear a semi-annual update from the Greater Huron Development Corporation and consider a plat filed by the City of Huron for the Southtown Addition area. Two ordinance readings are set for first reading tonight, one is the supplemental appropriations for 2014 and the second for a rezone petition filed by the City of Huron again for the Southtown Addition. The Commission will consider a renewal application for the operation of the Solid Waste transfer station, year end and contingency fund transfers and will hear an update on progress regarding development of the Southtown Addition. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions for the Huron City Commission. The meeting begins at 5:30 PM in the Commission Chambers of the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.