Huron farm tops 300 bushels/acre in corn contest

fieldHURON, S.D. (AP) – A Huron farm’s crop this year set a lofty new state record in corn production.

The South Dakota Corn Growers Association says Riverside Farms broke the 300-bushel-per-acre barrier with a record yield above 308 bushels in the irrigated-ground category for the National Corn Yield Contest.

The association says corn yields have grown consistently in recent decades and 300 bushels became a contest target for South Dakota farmers.

The state had 119 entries in four categories this year.

Riverside Farms also won the no-till/strip-till irrigated category with more than 289 bushels per acre. Scott McKee, of Hawarden, Iowa, won the non-irrigated ground category with nearly 287 bushels per acre. And Nathan Hoeft, of Stratford, took the top spot in no-till/strip-till non-irrigated with more than 261 bushels.

All state contest results: