Listeners To Select Performance Radio News "Story of the Year"

DSCF7438With the end of the year approaching it’s time for you to help Performance Radio News decide what event in 2014 should be considered the Story of the Year. We selected the following ten stories for consideration…

  • Jeruald County/Wessington Springs tornado
  • State Fair hitting 200,000 visitors
  • James River Master Plan unveiled
  • Tailgate Arson case
  • Northstar Fake Armed Robbery case
  • Peggy Woolridge Besch replaces Jerome Hertel as State Fair Manager
  • Dennis Meyer replaces Gary Will, Jr. as Huron Police Chief
  • Creation of the Rapid City, Pierre and Eastern Railroad
  • Southtown Addition
  • Hand and Beadle County residents fight Confined Animal Feeding Operations.

Voting is taking place ONLY on the Performance Radio News page on Facebook. Simply “like” which story you think was the biggest of 2014. You may vote for as many stories as you’d like. Comments on any story will be deleted to keep voting from being cluttered. Voting will take place through December 30th with the 2014 Story of the Year revealed on New Year’s Eve.