City Commission Meets Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is meeting for the last time on a Monday night in 2014 tonight. Commissioners will consider setting January 12th for six bid openings on 2015 city infrastructure projects and to set January seventh as the bid date for a bid on crushing stockpiled concrete and asphalt. The Commission will consider the yearly contract renewal for E-911 mapping with First District company and will hold first reading of an ordinance regarding design standards for public improvements. Also up for consideration is a resolution setting rates for city services and fines for 2015. Solid Waste Department announcements for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays will be made and the Commission will consider a recommendation from the appraisal committee on the value of a surplus truck faring. There are no scheduled work or executive sessions for tonight’s meeting. The Commission will meet one final time to close out year-end business at noon on December 31st. The Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.