Meyer Presents PD Plan To City Commission

Denny MeyerHuron Police Chief Dennis Meyer has presented his proposal for restructuring personnel within the department. Re-alignment of personnel has been discussed since Meyer became chief shortly after Public Safety Director Gary Will, Jr resigned in November. One idea Meyer presented would eliminate his previous position of Deputy Chief….


Meyer suggested to Huron City Commissioners that Deputy Chief duties be split between two day shift captains with one focusing on patrol and the other administrative duties. He would also like to make better use of the department’s drug detection canine officer….


On Wednesday, four members of the police department will have interviews for an open sergeant position. When that position is filled, hopefully Meyer said by the end of the year, he would like to hire an additional detective and eventually a patrol officer to bring staffing levels back to what they were prior to Will’s departure. The City Commission approved a motion to internally advertise for a detective and postpone additional movement on police department re-alignment until next Monday.