Report On Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment In South Dakota Released

imagesThe results of a study of South Dakota’s treatments available for autism spectrum disorders have been released. The state Departments of Labor and Regulation and Human Services issued the report on the availability and certification of providers, accepted treatments and their outcomes, and the costs and benefits of services for children with autism. Marcia Hultman is secretary of the DLR and says the study found some holes within the coverage options available…

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She says the study estimates there are 861 children in South Dakota with autism. According to the study report, the costs of intensive service without coverage are out of reach for the majority of middle class families in the state. Hultman says the findings are public and will be a useful resource to make policy decisions…

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The study was part a result of 2014 Senate Bill 108 and was conducted by Health Management Associates of Lansing, Michigan. The whole report is available online at