Haeder Named To Rounds State Staff

rmike roundsPIERRE, S.D. (AP) – U.S. Sen.-Elect Mike Rounds has hired key staffers in South Dakota and Washington.

They include Jeff Marlette, West River director in Rapid City; Kim Olson, central South Dakota director in Pierre; Mark Johnston, East River director in Sioux Falls; Josh Haeder, senior field manager based in Huron and Aberdeen; and Connie Tveidt , state scheduler and director of administration based in Pierre.

Rounds chose Katie Douglas as his press secretary who will be based in Washington and work with South Dakota media. She grew up in Pierre, got a political science degree from the University of South Dakota and is a former press assistant for U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem.

Rounds takes office Jan. 6. Field office location information and contacts will be made available at that time.