Voters Keep Gibson, Werner And White In Office In District 22

legislatureYou won’t have to worry about changing contact information for your legislative delegation in Pierre. Voters in Beadle and Kingsbury County have returned Democrat Peggy Gibson and Republican Dick Werner to the South Dakota House of Representatives and Republican Jim White to the State Senate. Gibson received four-thousand 248 votes, good for 38-point 27-percent of the vote…


Dick Werner ended the night 123 votes behind Gibson with four-thousand 125 votes and 37-point-17-percent of the vote…


Democrat Joan Wollschlager of Lake Preston finished third in the House race with two-thousand 726 votes or 24-point-56-percent of the vote. On the Senate side Jim White carried 70-point-two-percent of the vote. Five-thousand-180 people gave White their seal of approval…


White defeated Democrat Darrell Raschke, who picked up two-thousand 199 votes for 29-point-eight percent of the vote.