Huron Students Looking To Community To Help Support "Celebrate My Drive" Campaign

High School 1Huron High School is again looking to obtain grant money from State Farm Insurance in the Celebrate My Drive contest and is looking to the community for help. Mark Christensen and Mason Stahly, the president and vice president of the Student Council at Huron High School used the public forum of Monday night’s City Commission meeting to get Huron behind the effort…


Supporting the effort is easy to do…


Stahly and Christensen says the student body is already making plans if the can get the most votes…


The remaining 10-thousand dollars would be used by the Student Council for special Huron events and donations to charity. Last year Huron won a 25-thousand dollar grant from State Farm. As of Monday evening, Huron High School ranked 30th overall in the Small School Category. You can go to to vote. You can vote once each day. Voting ends on Friday.