Wollman Pleads Guilty In Tailgate Fire

court genericThe second Huron woman charged in relation to a March arson fire at a Huron restaurant has reached a plea deal with prosecutors. Kathleen Wollman pleaded guilty to  misprision of a felony or knowing a felony was being committed and not reporting it to law enforcement. More serious charges of second degree arson and third degree burglary were reduced to the single Class One misdemeanor. In, court an emotional and sobbing Wollman said she and Julia Lopez entered the Tailgate Restaurant. Wollman told Judge Jon Erickson she didn’t see co-defendant Julia Lopez start the fire, but did see the flames and admitted to not calling to report the fire. Investigators determined the fire was started to cover up evidence of a burglary. Defense attorney Mary Keller said the 55-year-old was simply a mother trying to help her daughter. Deputy Beadle County States Attorney Kimberly Zachrison asked Erickson to impose a sentence that was appropriate for the crime and to consider 143-thousand dollars restitution. Wollman was sentenced to 60 days in jail with 30 days suspended and credit for one day already served following her arrest. She was fined 500-dollars and also ordered to repay court appointed attorney’s fees. She will be responsible for paying back 143-thousand dollars but may be able to sue Lopez for some or all of that amount. Lopez pleaded guilty two weeks ago to a second degree arson charge. A sentencing date for Lopez has not been set.