Nordby Exhibit Hall Get's Another $20,000


Full Circle AgDonations to support construction of the four-million dollar Nordby Exhibit Hall for 4-H, Youth and Community continue come in to the South Dakota State Fair Foundations Capital Campaign for the project. Full Circle Ag, a northeast South Dakota agriculture co-operative with nine locations has pledged 20-thousand dollars to the effort…


David Van Scharrel, Board Chairman for Full Circle Ag says the donation is about planning for the future of agriculture in South Dakota…


State Fair Manager Jerome Hertel says the donation brings the project closer to a reality….


Last week, Huron businessman Earl Nordby, who’s already pledged one-million dollars to the building which bears his name, announced he would match dollar for dollar, what 4-H group, families and leaders raise, up to 500-thousand dollars, meaning Full Circle Ag’s donation of 20-thousand dollars will become 40-thousand dollars.  Two-point-eight million of the four million dollars has been raised.