City Commission Meeting Tonight


City CommissionThe Huron City Commission will gather tonight for it’s regular weekly meeting. Commissioners will consider two payment requests and hear a semi-annual update from the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau. The Commission will consider forgiving delinquent Nuisance Assessments against property on Beadle County’s 2014 land sale. A public hearing will be held regarding a resolution of intent to enter into a lease for farming land in the Southtown Addition. Commissioners will also consider a hiring recommendation for the executive director position at the Huron Community Campus, consider posting, advertising and issuing a Civil Service call for a full-time police officer and consider a hiring recommendation for a part time pro shop attendant at Broadland Creek golf course. The Commission will get an update on the city’s recycling program and will hold a work session…on work sessions. There are no scheduled executive sessions for the Huron City Commission. They meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.