Man Accused Of Armed Robbery Over Pop Sent For Mental Evaluation


court genericA Lane man arrested last Friday on armed robbery and other charges is currently being held at the Human Services Center in Yankton to undergo further evaluations of his mental state. Sixty-one Martin Moeller was arrested after using a hang gun to hold up the Super X convenience store in Huron for two bottles of pop. Deputy Beadle County States Attorney Dan Nelson says Moeller was formally charged Wednesday afternoon with first degree robbery and commission of a felony while armed. Nelson says a judge recommended Moeller be held for further mental evaluations at the H-S-C after hearing recommendations from law enforcement about Moeller’s mental state at the time of his arrest. Moeller is accused of walking into the Super X store at Ninth Street and Dakota Avenue in Huron to purchase merchandise. After being told by the clerk he didn’t have enough money for his purchase he exited and returned with a long handgun around 1:40 AM. Moeller was arrested without incident in Jerauld County Friday afternoon, just minutes after surveillance photos with Moeller’s image was posted on the Huron Police Department Facebook page.