Huron To Make Community Campus Executive Director A City Employee


FCA-HCC2A management agreement the City of Huron had with the Greater Huron Development Corporation for the Huron Community Campus has been terminated. The move comes as H-C-C executive director Steve Oschner is moving on to other opportunities. Commissioner Bryan Smith says Greater Huron in essence held Oschner’s contract as the Huron Community Campus began…

hccexdir1Finance Director Paullyn Carey says making the executive director position at Huron Community Campus a city employee makes sense…

hccexdir2Greater Huron executive director Jim Borszich says GHDC had control of Oschner’s contract since the Huron Community Campus was started in October of 2008 and as the expansion of Central Park continues, it’s the right time to make the transition….

hccexdir3Commissioner Doug Kludt says it’s the city’s responsibility to the taxpayers make the H-C-C executive director a city position….

hccexdir4Further discussion on the issue included the City possibly giving more responsibility to the Huron Community Campus board, specifically in regards to educational issue. The Huron City Commission also approved a job description for the executive director position and is currently looking for applicants.