Planning Board OK's Hog Farm Permit

A conditional use permit for a confined animal feeding operation or CAFO was approved by the Beadle County Planning and Zoning Commission Wednesday night. Supporters and opponents of the proposed Westside Gilts facility to be located north of Yale spilled out into the hallways of the small courtroom on the third floor of the Beadle County Courthouse. Dr. Barry Kerkaert is Vice President of Pipestone Systems and says the hog operation will cost around 11-million dollars and hold 54-hundred sows…


Manure would be collected under structures at the facility to keep down odor. Odor and water contamination was a significant concerns for most of those speaking against the operation. Wenda Hornig challenged the idea that property values would increase if the CAFO is built…


Lyle Reimnitz of rural Davison County lives by similar CAFO near Mount Vernon and had advise for the Beadle County board taking input on the conditional use permit….


The Beadle County Planning and Zoning Commission approval of the conditional use permit is merely a recommendation, that will be passed along to the Beadle County Commission for consideration. The approval contains four conditions that include the planting of trees around the facility, use of larger bio-filters to control odor, maintenance of Liberty township roads that service the confinement operation and mandating that the best use practices for the industry are utilized. County Commissioners will consider the permit at a future meeting possibly in May.

Listen to the 2 hour Beadle County  Planning and Zoning hearing on the Confined Animal Feeding Operation Conditional Use Permit here.

Hour 1:  CAFO Hearing pt1

Hour 2:  CAFO Hearing pt 2