Mid American Ecomony Trends Look Upward

The Mid-America Business Conditions Index for March, a leading economic indicator for a nine-state region stretching from North Dakota to Arkansas, points to positive and improving growth in the next three to six months.  The Business Conditions Index, which ranges between 0 and 100, climbed to 58.2 from 57.4 in February. Any number over 50 indicates continued growth.  Dr. Ernie Goss,, director of Creighton University’s Economic Forecasting Group, compiles the monthly survey. He says the employment index dipped slightly to a still solid 54.4 from 55.6 in February. ..

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He says a number of industries are doing well in the region…

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Looking six months ahead, economic optimism, as captured by the March business confidence index, declined to a strong 59.0 from February’s 59.7.  Goss said that shows the positive trend should continue…

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The Creighton Economic Forecasting Group has conducted the monthly survey of supply managers in nine states since 1994 to produce leading economic indicators of the Mid-America economy.